The Office of Institutional Research and Planning supports college-wide planning and decision making by conducting research and preparing analytical studies; by collecting, summarizing and analyzing data; and by responding to external requests for information from the state, federal, professional, and educational agencies.
Institutional and Community Portrait
- District Demographics - Profile of District Demographics
- Moraine Valley District Municipalities
- In-District High Schools
- Faculty and Staff
Enrollment and Student Characteristics
- Census Day Report - Fall Semester
- Census Day Report - Spring Semester
- Census Day Report - Summer Semester
- Enrollment Analysis - Fall Semester
- Enrollment Analysis - Spring Semester
- Enrollment Analysis - Summer Semester
- Unduplicated Headcount by Fiscal Year
- Degrees and Certificates Awarded
- IPEDS Data Feedback Report
Recent Research Report Summaries
- Exit Survey - All Graduates
- Graduate Follow-Up Survey - Occupational Graduates
- Graduate Follow-Up Survey - Transfer Graduates
- CCFSSE—Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement
- Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Guide
Contact Institutional Research
Additional information is made available upon request. Inquiries may be directed to Pam Murphy at or (708) 974-5486.
Institutional Research Staff can be found via our online directory.